Thursday, January 19, 2006

Religion Clash

I just got back from dinner, where I had a long exchange with a very devout Christian student (takes the bible quite literally, doesn't believe in "macroevolution", etc) from my hall.

I've been in college for a few months and I still haven't gotten tired of having heated discussions with my many religious hallmates. I thought this one ended in a rather poetic way:
Me: Look at me. I never pray, never acknowledge god, and openly disrespect the concept. I don't feel any god in my heart. And yet I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. I'm satisfied with my life. So what am I missing out on?

Him: You're missing the experience of living for God. It's an essential part of life.

Me: Alright. But I think you're missing out on the truth.

Him: I think you're missing out on the truth.

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