Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I Am A Strange Loop

28 years after his classic book Godel, Escher, Bach (aka Introduction to Thinking About Awesomeness), author Douglas Hofstadter is releasing a sequel on March 5: I Am a Strange Loop.

If you've forgotten about the GEB topics over the decades since it came out, here is a quiz to refresh your memory:
  1. True or false: I am a strange loop.
  2. True or false: For every well-formed statement in formal set theory, there exists a proof that it is either true or false.
  3. True or false: The axioms of formal set theory do not contain a contradiction.
Answers: #1 is probably true, #2 is false, and #3 is independent of formal set theory. In fact, given any consistent formal system F, you can create another, weirder consistent formal system by adding an axiom that can be interpreted to mean "F contains a contradiction". Good times.

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