Monday, January 09, 2006

Money Management and Hate

Ramit Sethi is smart and funny.

He has a great money management site:

And a hilarious list of things he hates:

The money management site is neat, offering tips such as
Keep records [of phone conversations] and watch all [Sprint's] BS evaporate next time they try to hustle you.
And ThingsIHate is an unbelievably long list of witty complaints like
Anybody whose voice mail message on their phone is long and detailed, saying "Please leave your name, number, and the time you called." THIS IS 2005. PEOPLE UNDERSTAND HOW TO USE VOICE MAIL. That would be like me instructing people how to use the doorknob when they get to my house.
It's good stuff.


Anonymous said...

Yes his site is good.

Liron Shapira said...

Hey there "anonymous", if that is your real name.

Listen, for future reference, when a blog has a readership of ~0 readers, that clever pen name is not going to fly.

Anonymous said...

Well you asked for comments.