Saturday, December 10, 2005

My Website

I am working on a website. I can't reveal too much because I don't want someone else to implement the idea first, but here is some preliminary information:

It is a database site.

It is for college students only. I am trying to establish the kind of college community feeling that you see on Facebook. However, it is not a replacement for Facebook.

It is a site for college students to spend a lot of time on.

It could be categorized as a dating site, but that's not quite what it is.

It is very complex. It is more complex than, say,

I will publish more details as I get farther along. The idea itself has been brainstormed pretty thoroughly, but I don't want to give it all away just yet.

I've never made a complex website before. This is a particularly huge programming challenge, and I have only begun to learn ASP.NET 2.0, which I will use to do it. It will take months. Luckily, last week was first-quarter finals week, and now I've got almost a month of vacation.

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